Source code for yatsm.plots

""" Plots useful for YATSM
from datetime import datetime as dt
import logging
import re

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger('yatsm')

[docs]def plot_crossvalidation_scores(kfold_scores, test_labels): """ Plots KFold test summary statistics Args: kfold_scores (np.ndarray): n by 2 shaped array of mean and standard deviation of KFold scores test_labels (list): n length list of KFold label names """ return ind = np.arange(kfold_scores.shape[0]) width = 0.5 fig, ax = plt.subplots() bars =, kfold_scores[:, 0], width) _, caplines, _ = ax.errorbar(ind + width / 2.0, kfold_scores[:, 0], fmt='none', yerr=kfold_scores[:, 1], capsize=10, elinewidth=3) for capline in caplines: capline.set_linewidth(10) capline.set_markeredgewidth(3) capline.set_color('red') for i, bar in enumerate(bars): txt = r'%.3f $\pm$ %.3f' % (kfold_scores[i, 0], kfold_scores[i, 1]) ax.text(ind[i] + width / 2.0, kfold_scores[i, 0] / 2.0, txt, ha='center', va='bottom', size='large') ax.set_xticks(ind + width / 2.0) ax.set_xticklabels(test_labels, ha='center') # plt.ylim((0, 1.0)) plt.title('KFold Cross Validation Summary Statistics') plt.xlabel('Test') plt.ylabel(r'Accuracy ($\pm$ standard deviation)') plt.tight_layout()
[docs]def plot_feature_importance(algo, cfg): """ Plots Random Forest feature importance as barplot If YATSM configuration (cfg['YATSM']) contains Patsy design information in 'design_info', then this plot will show more specific labels for each feature. Args: algo (sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier): Random Forest algorithm cfg (dict): YATSM configuration dictionary """ ind = np.arange(algo.feature_importances_.size) width = 0.5 n_bands = cfg['dataset']['n_bands'] - 1 # Form betas from design matrix if 'design' not in cfg['YATSM']: logger.warning('Design info not provided to plot -- will use basic ' 'coefficient labels') # First remove out RMSE # TODO: check if we used RMSE n_feat = algo.feature_importances_.size - n_bands # All bands have same n_coef, so leftover are other variables betas = range(0, int(n_feat / n_bands)) else: # Rename slope, convert harm.*[0] to cos, and harm.*[1] to sin betas = [] for _beta in cfg['YATSM']['design'].keys(): _beta = re.sub(r'^x$', 'slope', _beta) _beta = re.sub(r'harm(.*)\[0\]', r'cos\1', _beta) _beta = re.sub(r'harm(.*)\[1\]', r'sin\1', _beta) betas.append(_beta) betas.append('RMSE') # TODO: check if we used RMSE # Grab bands bands = list(range(1, cfg['dataset']['n_bands'] + 1)) bands.remove(cfg['dataset']['mask_band']) # band is now index so + 1 # names = [r'Band %i $\beta_{%s}$' % (b, i) # for i in betas for b in bands] # names += [r'Band %i $RMSE$' % b for b in bands] names = ['Band %i' % b for b in bands * (len(betas) + 1)] fig, ax = plt.subplots(), algo.feature_importances_, width) ax.set_xticks(ind + width / 2.0) ax.set_xticklabels(names, ha='center', rotation=90) for i_b in ind[::n_bands]: ax.axvline(i_b, c='k', lw=2) for i, _beta in enumerate(betas): _x = i * len(bands) + len(bands) / 2.0 ax.annotate(_beta, (_x, 0), xycoords='data', xytext=(0, 5), textcoords='offset points', ha='center', size='large') plt.title('Feature Importance') plt.ylabel('Importance') plt.xlabel('Feature')
[docs]def plot(yatsm, band, freq, ylim=None): """ Plot YATSM results for a specified band Args: yatsm (yatsm.YATSM): model band (int): data band to plot freq (iterable): frequency of sine/cosine (for predictions) ylim (tuple): tuple of floats for y-axes limits """ raise Exception('This function is depricated in v0.5.0. Use YATSM object' ' for plotting') from utils import make_X dates = map(dt.fromordinal, yatsm.X[:, 1].astype(np.uint32)) # Plot data plt.plot(dates, yatsm.Y[band, :], 'ko') if ylim: plt.ylim(ylim) # Add in lines and break points for rec in yatsm.record: # Create sequence of X between start and end dates if rec['start'] < rec['end']: mx = np.arange(rec['start'], rec['end']) elif rec['start'] > rec['end']: mx = np.arange(rec['end'], rec['start']) else: continue mdates = map(dt.fromordinal, mx) # Predict mX = make_X(mx, freq) my =['coef'][:, 4], mX) # Plot prediction plt.plot(mdates, my, linewidth=2) # Plot change if rec['break'] > 0: i = np.where(yatsm.X[:, 1] == rec['break'])[0] plt.plot(dt.fromordinal(rec['break']), yatsm.Y[band, i], 'ro', mec='r', mfc='none', ms=10, mew=5)