Example Workflow

This section of the guide covers the process of running of the CCDC implementation (yatsm.algorithms.ccdc.CCDCesque), including the change detection and classification steps of the process, on an example dataset centered on Harvard Forest in Masssachusetts.

It assumes you have already installed YATSM.


The data used in this example are part of the collection of time series subsets described in the landsat_stack repository.

Download at least the p013r030_images.tar.bz2 as described in the repository instructions. Place all downloads in the directory you want to work in (preferably a new directory), and then unzip the files. The directory structure created should look similar to the following:

$ tree
├── p013r030
│   ├── images
│   │   ├── example_img
│   │   ├── example_img.aux.xml
│   │   ├── example_img.hdr
│   │   ├── LE70130301999211EDC00
│   │   │   ├── LE70130301999211EDC00_MTL.txt
│   │   │   ├── LE70130301999211EDC00_stack
│   │   │   ├── LE70130301999211EDC00_stack.aux.xml
│   │   │   └── LE70130301999211EDC00_stack.hdr
│   │   ├── LT50130302011316GNC01
│   │   │   ├── LT50130302011316GNC01_MTL.txt
│   │   │   ├── LT50130302011316GNC01_stack
│   │   │   ├── LT50130302011316GNC01_stack.aux.xml
│   │   │   └── LT50130302011316GNC01_stack.hdr
│   │   └── YATSM
│   │       ├── yatsm_r0.npz
│   │       ├── yatsm_r100.npz
│   └── maps
│       ├── p013r030_HF_change_first_1985-2016.gtif
│       ├── p013r030_HF_change_first_1985-2016.gtif.aux.xml
│       ├── p013r030_HF_change_last_1985-2016.gtif
│       ├── p013r030_HF_change_last_1985-2016.gtif.aux.xml
│       └── p013r030_maps.qgs
├── p013r030_images.tar.bz2
├── p013r030_maps.tar.gz
└── p013r030_results.tar.gz


To use any of the built-in programs that facilitate running time series analysis, we need to describe the time series data using a CSV file and we need to provide our analysis parameters using a configuration file (specified in the YAML format).

To begin, copy the example configuration file located within this repository as examples/p013r030/p013r030.yaml, or by downloading it from Github (p013r030.yaml).

Next, we will use the helper script located at scripts/gen_date_file.sh to generate a CSV file with the columns date and filename and rows for each image we want to include in our analysis. For example,


You can use the Bash helper script, located in the repository as scripts/gen_date_file.sh, to create this CSV file. If this script doesn’t work for your data, or you can’t run Bash scripts, generate this information using some other means.

$ scripts/gen_date_file.sh -v images images.csv
Searching in images
Searching for pattern: L*stack
YYYYDOY starts at 9
Output file is images.csv
Found 423 images

Next, open the configuration file with a text editor and make some changes under the dataset: section to point to this newly generated images.csv file (adjust this name if you named the CSV file something different). Change the value of the input_file parameter. You will also want to change the values for output and cache_line_dir, which control the location of output result files and “cached data” files, respectively.

    # Text file containing dates and images
    input_file: "images.csv"
    # Input date format
    date_format: "%Y%j"
    # Output location
    output: "images/YATSM"
    # Output file prefix (e.g., [prefix]_[line].npz)
    output_prefix: "yatsm_r"
    # Total number of bands
    n_bands: 8
    # Mask band (e.g., Fmask)
    mask_band: 8
    # List of integer values to mask within the mask band
    mask_values: [2, 3, 4, 255]
    # Valid range of band data
    # specify 1 range for all bands, or specify ranges for each band
    min_values: 0
    max_values: 10000
    # Use BIP image reader? If not, use GDAL to read in
    use_bip_reader: False
    # Directory location for caching dataset lines
    cache_line_dir: "cache"

Pixel Plotter

A good first test to make sure your dataset configuration was successful, as well as a good place to start for experimenting with different runtime parameters, is using the yatsm pixel command

yatsm pixel

Batch Change Detection Processing

The next step in the process is to run the change detection on all pixels in your dataset.

yatsm line

Change Detection Visualization

yatsm changemap

Classification Training

Find training data, remembering to record the range of time for which the training data is accurate or relevant for so we will know which time series segment attributes (X) to match with the training data labels (y).

yatsm train

Classification Prediction

Using the trained classifier, classify the time series segments identified in the change detection step.

yatsm classify

Land Cover Mapping

yatsm map