
A guide for the YATSM implementation of Continuous Classification and Change Detection (CCDC) [1]

digraph G { label = "Algorithm Flowchart:\nCCDCesque" compound=true; newrank=true; ratio=1.5; /*ranksep=1.0;*/ preprocess [label="preprocess" shape="box"]; fit [label="fit" shape="box"] while [label="while\n(has observations)"]; trained [label="Segment\ninitialized?"]; end [label="Iterate\nforward"]; # Training clean [label="Multitemp mask" shape="box"]; stable [label="Test\nStability"]; is_stable [label="Stable:\ninit segment"] is_unstable [label="Unstable:\nmove forward"] # Monitoring monitor [label="Check next\nobservations"]; noise [label="Delete noise"] change [label="Change:\nnew segment"] nochange [label="No change"] { rank=min; preprocess; fit; while; } { rank=same; trained; } { rank=same; clean; monitor; } { rank=max; end; } preprocess -> fit -> while -> trained; trained -> clean [label="No" lhead=cluster0]; trained -> monitor [label="Yes" lhead=cluster1]; subgraph cluster0 { label="Historic Period"; clean -> stable; stable -> is_stable [label="Yes"]; stable -> is_unstable [label="No"]; } subgraph cluster1 { label="Monitoring Period" monitor -> noise [label="Noise\ndetected"]; monitor -> change [label="Above\nthreshold"]; monitor -> nochange [label="Within\nthreshold"]; } noise -> end [ltail=cluster1]; change -> end [ltail=cluster1]; nochange -> end [ltail=cluster1]; is_stable -> end [ltail=cluster0]; is_unstable -> end [ltail=cluster0]; end -> while; }

[1]Zhe Zhu and Curtis E. Woodcock. Continuous change detection and classification of land cover using all available landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 144(0):152 – 171, 2014. URL:, doi: