Source code for yatsm.utils

from __future__ import division

from datetime import datetime as dt
import fnmatch
import os
import re
import sys

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import six

    from scandir import walk
    from os import walk

from .log_yatsm import logger

[docs]def distribute_jobs(job_number, total_jobs, n, interlaced=True): """ Assign `job_number` out of `total_jobs` a subset of `n` tasks Args: job_number (int): 0-indexed processor to distribute jobs to total_jobs (int): total number of processors running jobs n (int): number of tasks (e.g., lines in image, regions in segment) interlaced (bool, optional): interlace job assignment (default: True) Returns: np.ndarray: np.ndarray of task IDs to be processed Raises: ValueError: raise error if `job_number` and `total_jobs` specified result in no jobs being assinged (happens if `job_number` and `total_jobs` are both 1) """ if interlaced: assigned = 0 tasks = [] while job_number + total_jobs * assigned < n: tasks.append(job_number + total_jobs * assigned) assigned += 1 tasks = np.asarray(tasks) else: size = int(n / total_jobs) i_start = size * job_number i_end = size * (job_number + 1) tasks = np.arange(i_start, min(i_end, n)) if tasks.size == 0: raise ValueError( 'No jobs assigned for job_number/total_jobs: {j}/{t}'.format( j=job_number, t=total_jobs)) return tasks
[docs]def get_output_name(dataset_config, line): """ Returns output name for specified config and line number Args: dataset_config (dict): configuration information about the dataset line (int): line of the dataset for output Returns: filename (str): output filename """ return os.path.join(dataset_config['output'], '%s%s.npz' % (dataset_config['output_prefix'], line))
[docs]def csvfile_to_dataframe(input_file, date_format='%Y%j'): """ Return sorted filenames of images from input text file Args: input_file (str): text file of dates and files date_format (str): format of dates in file Returns: pd.DataFrame: pd.DataFrame of dates, sensor IDs, and filenames """ df = pd.read_csv(input_file) # Guess and convert date field date_col = [i for i, n in enumerate(df.columns) if 'date' in n.lower()] if not date_col: raise KeyError('Could not find date column in input file') if len(date_col) > 1: logger.warning('Multiple date columns found in input CSV file. ' 'Using %s' % df.columns[date_col[0]]) date_col = df.columns[date_col[0]] df[date_col] = pd.to_datetime( df[date_col], format=date_format).map(lambda x: dt.toordinal(x)) return df
[docs]def get_image_IDs(filenames): """ Returns image IDs for each filename (basename of dirname of file) Args: filenames (iterable): filenames to return image IDs for Returns: list: image IDs for each file in `filenames` """ return [os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(f)) for f in filenames]
[docs]def write_output(raster, output, image_ds, gdal_frmt, ndv, band_names=None): """ Write raster to output file """ from osgeo import gdal, gdal_array logger.debug('Writing output to disk') driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(str(gdal_frmt)) if len(raster.shape) > 2: nband = raster.shape[2] else: nband = 1 ds = driver.Create( output, image_ds.RasterXSize, image_ds.RasterYSize, nband, gdal_array.NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode(raster.dtype.type) ) if band_names is not None: if len(band_names) != nband: logger.error('Did not get enough names for all bands') sys.exit(1) if raster.ndim > 2: for b in range(nband): logger.debug(' writing band {b}'.format(b=b + 1)) ds.GetRasterBand(b + 1).WriteArray(raster[:, :, b]) ds.GetRasterBand(b + 1).SetNoDataValue(ndv) if band_names is not None: ds.GetRasterBand(b + 1).SetDescription(band_names[b]) ds.GetRasterBand(b + 1).SetMetadata({ 'band_{i}'.format(i=b + 1): band_names[b] }) else: logger.debug(' writing band') ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(raster) ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(ndv) if band_names is not None: ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDescription(band_names[0]) ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetMetadata({'band_1': band_names[0]}) ds.SetProjection(image_ds.GetProjection()) ds.SetGeoTransform(image_ds.GetGeoTransform()) ds = None
[docs]def find_results(location, pattern): """ Create list of result files and return sorted Args: location (str): directory location to search pattern (str): glob style search pattern for results Returns: results (list): list of file paths for results found """ # Note: already checked for location existence in main() records = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in walk(location): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern): records.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) if len(records) == 0: raise IOError('Could not find results in: %s' % location) records.sort() return records
[docs]def iter_records(records, warn_on_empty=False, yield_filename=False): """ Iterates over records, returning result NumPy array Args: records (list): List containing filenames of results warn_on_empty (bool, optional): Log warning if result contained no result records (default: False) yield_filename (bool, optional): Yield the filename and the record Yields: np.ndarray or tuple: Result saved in record and the filename, if desired """ n_records = len(records) for _i, r in enumerate(records): # Verbose progress if np.mod(_i, 100) == 0: logger.debug('{0:.1f}%'.format(_i / n_records * 100)) # Open output try: rec = np.load(r)['record'] except (ValueError, AssertionError, IOError) as e: logger.warning('Error reading a result file (may be corrupted) ' '({}): {}'.format(r, str(e))) continue if rec.shape[0] == 0: # No values in this file if warn_on_empty: logger.warning('Could not find results in {f}'.format(f=r)) continue if yield_filename: yield rec, r else: yield rec
[docs]def date2index(dates, d): """ Returns index of sorted array `dates` containing the date `d` Args: dates (np.ndarray): array of dates (or numbers really) in sorted order d (int, float): number to search for Returns: int: index of `dates` containing value `d` """ return np.searchsorted(dates, d, side='right')
[docs]def is_integer(s): """ Returns True if `s` is an integer """ try: int(s) return True except: return False
[docs]def copy_dict_filter_key(d, regex): """ Copy a dict recursively, but only if key doesn't match regex pattern """ out = {} for k, v in six.iteritems(d): if not re.match(regex, k): if isinstance(v, dict): out[k] = copy_dict_filter_key(v, regex) else: out[k] = v return out