Source code for yatsm.regression.recresid

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
u""" Recursive residuals computation


- Brown, RL, J Durbin, and JM Evans. 1975. Techniques for Testing the Consistency
  of Regression Relationships over Time. Journal of the Royal Statistical
  Society. Series B (Methodological) 37 (2): 149-192.

- Judge George G., William E. Griffiths, R. Carter Hill, Helmut Lütkepohl,
  and Tsoung-Chao Lee. 1985. The theory and practice of econometrics.
  New York: Wiley. ISBN: 978-0-471-89530-5

import numpy as np

[docs]def recresid(X, y, span=None): """ Return standardized recursive residuals for y ~ X For a matrix :math:`X_t` of :math:`T` total observations of :math:`n` variables, the :math:`t` th recursive residual is the forecast prediction error for :math:`y_t` using a regression fit on the first :math:`t - 1` observations. Recursive residuals are scaled and standardized so they are N(0, 1) distributed. Using notation from Brown, Durbin, and Evans (1975) and Judge, et al (1985): .. math:: w_r = \\frac{y_r - \\boldsymbol{x}_r^{\prime}\\boldsymbol{b}_{r-1}} {\sqrt{(1 + \\boldsymbol{x}_r^{\prime} S_{r-1}\\boldsymbol{x}_r)}} = \\frac {y_r - \\boldsymbol{x}_r^{\prime}\\boldsymbol{b}_r} {\sqrt{1 - \\boldsymbol{x}_r^{\prime}S_r\\boldsymbol{x}_r}} r = k + 1, \ldots, T, where :math:`S_{r}` is the residual sum of squares after fitting the model on :math:`r` observations. A quick way of calculating :math:`\\boldsymbol{b}_r` and :math:`S_r` is using an update formula (Equations 4 and 5 in Brown, Durbin, and Evans; Equation 5.5.14 and 5.5.15 in Judge et al): .. math:: \\boldsymbol{b}_r = b_{r-1} + \\frac {S_{r-1}\\boldsymbol{x}_j (y_r - \\boldsymbol{x}_r^{\prime}\\boldsymbol{b}_{r-1})} {1 + \\boldsymbol{x}_r^{\prime}S_{r-1}x_r} .. math:: S_r = S_{j-1} - \\frac{S_{j-1}\\boldsymbol{x}_r\\boldsymbol{x}_r^{\prime}S_{j-1}} {1 + \\boldsymbol{x}_r^{\prime}S_{j-1}\\boldsymbol{x}_r} See the recursive residuals implementation that this follows, `recursive_olsresiduals`, within the `statsmodels.stats.diagnostic` module. Args: X (np.ndarray): 2D (n_features x n_obs) design matrix y (np.ndarray): 1D independent variable span (int, optional): minimum number of observations for initial regression. If ``span`` is None, use the number of features in ``X`` Returns: np.ndarray: array containing recursive residuals standardized by prediction error variance """ nobs, nvars = X.shape if span is None: span = nvars recresid = np.nan * np.zeros((nobs)) recvar = np.nan * np.zeros((nobs)) X0 = X[:span] y0 = y[:span] # Initial fit XTX_j = np.linalg.inv(, X0)) XTY =, y0) beta =, XTY) yhat_j =[span - 1], beta) recresid[span - 1] = y[span - 1] - yhat_j recvar[span - 1] = 1 +[span - 1],, X[span - 1])) for j in range(span, nobs): x_j = X[j:j + 1, :] y_j = y[j] # Prediction with previous beta yhat_j =, beta) resid_j = y_j - yhat_j # Update XTXx_j =, x_j.T) f_t = 1 +, XTXx_j) XTX_j = XTX_j -, XTXx_j.T) / f_t # eqn 5.5.15 beta = beta + (XTXx_j * resid_j / f_t).ravel() # eqn 5.5.14 recresid[j] = resid_j recvar[j] = f_t return recresid / np.sqrt(recvar)