Source code for yatsm.regression.packaged

""" Module for finding regression algorithms packaged with YATSM

    packaged_regressions (list): regression estimators packaged within

import json
import logging
import os
import pkg_resources

logger = logging.getLogger('yatsm')

packaged_regressions = []

_packaged = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
    __package__, os.path.join('pickles', 'pickles.json'))
if pkg_resources.resource_exists(__package__,
                                 os.path.join('pickles', 'pickles.json')):
    with open(_packaged, 'r') as f:
        packaged_regressions = list(json.load(f).keys())

[docs]def find_packaged_regressor(name): """ Find location of a regression method packaged with YATSM See :data:`packaged_regressions` for a list of available pre-packaged regressors Args: name (str): name of packaged regression object Returns: str: path to packaged regression method Raises: KeyError: raise KeyError if user specifies unknown regressor IOError: raise IOError if the packaged regressor cannot be found """ if name not in packaged_regressions: raise KeyError('Cannot load unknown packaged regressor %s' % name) path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'pickles') logger.debug('Checking data files in %s for packaged regressors' % path) if not pkg_resources.resource_exists(__name__, 'pickles'): raise IOError('Cannot find packaged regressors in %s. Did you install ' 'YATSM via setuptools?' % path) resource = os.path.join('pickles', name + '.pkl') if not pkg_resources.resource_exists(__name__, resource): raise IOError('Cannot find packaged regression method %s, but package ' 'directory exists. Check the contents of %s if possible' % (resource, path)) return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, resource)