Source code for yatsm.phenology.longtermmean

""" Implementation of Eli Melaas' Landsat phenology algorithm

    Melaas, EK, MA Friedl, and Z Zhu. 2013. Detecting interannual variation in
    deciduous broadleaf forest phenology using Landsat TM/ETM+ data. Remote
    Sensing of Environment 132: 176-185.

from __future__ import division

from datetime import datetime as dt
import logging
import math

import numpy as np
import numpy.lib.recfunctions

# Grab `stats` package from R for smoothing spline
from rpy2 import robjects as ro
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
import rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri

Rstats = importr('stats')

from ..vegetation_indices import EVI

logger = logging.getLogger('yatsm')

[docs]def group_years(years, interval=3): """ Return integers representing sequential groupings of years Note: years specified must be sorted Args: years (np.ndarray): the year corresponding to each EVI value interval (int, optional): number of years to group together (default: 3) Returns: np.ndarray: integers representing sequential year groupings """ n_groups = math.ceil((years.max() - years.min()) / interval) if n_groups <= 1: return np.zeros_like(years, dtype=np.uint16) splits = np.array_split(np.arange(years.min(), years.max() + 1), n_groups) groups = np.zeros_like(years, dtype=np.uint16) for i, s in enumerate(splits): groups[np.in1d(years, s)] = i return groups
[docs]def scale_EVI(evi, periods, qmin=10, qmax=90): """ Returns EVI scaled to upper and lower quantiles Quantiles are calculated based on EVI within some year-to-year interval. As part of finding the quantiles, EVI values not within the (0, 1) range will be removed. Args: evi (np.ndarray): EVI values periods (np.ndarray): intervals of years to group and scale together qmin (float, optional): lower quantile for scaling (default: 10) qmax (float, optional): upper quantile for scaling (default: 90) Returns: np.ndarray: scaled EVI array """ _evi = evi.copy() for u in np.unique(periods): index = np.where(periods == u) evi_min = np.percentile(evi[index], qmin) evi_max = np.percentile(evi[index], qmax) _evi[index] = (evi[index] - evi_min) / (evi_max - evi_min) return _evi
[docs]def CRAN_spline(x, y, spar=0.55): """ Return a prediction function for a smoothing spline from R Use `rpy2` package to fit a smoothing spline using "smooth.spline". Args: x (np.ndarray): independent variable y (np.ndarray): dependent variable spar (float): smoothing parameter Returns: callable: prediction function of smoothing spline that provides smoothed estimates of the dependent variable given an input independent variable array Example: Fit a smoothing spline for y ~ x and predict for days in year: .. code-block:: python pred_spl = CRAN_spline(x, y) y_smooth = pred_spl(np.arange(1, 366)) """ spl = Rstats.smooth_spline(x, y, spar=spar) return lambda _x: np.array(Rstats.predict_smooth_spline(spl, _x)[1])
[docs]def halfmax(x): """ Return index of the observation closest to the half of some data Assumes that data are scaled between [0, 1] and half-max is 0.5 Args: x (np.ndarray): a one dimensional vector Returns: int: the index of the observation closest to the half-max of the data """ return np.argmin(np.abs( (x - np.nanmin(x)) / (np.nanmax(x) - np.nanmin(x)) - 0.5))
[docs]def ordinal2yeardoy(ordinal): """ Convert ordinal dates to two arrays of year and doy Args: ordinal (np.ndarray): ordinal dates Returns: np.ndarray: nobs x 2 np.ndarray containing the year and DOY for each ordinal date """ _date = [dt.fromordinal(_d) for _d in ordinal] yeardoy = np.empty((ordinal.size, 2), dtype=np.uint16) yeardoy[:, 0] = np.array([int(_d.strftime('%Y')) for _d in _date]) yeardoy[:, 1] = np.array([int(_d.strftime('%j')) for _d in _date]) return yeardoy
[docs]class LongTermMeanPhenology(object): """ Calculate long term mean phenology metrics for each YATSM record Long term mean phenology metrics describe the general spring greenup and autumn senescence timing using an algorithm by Melaas *et al.*, 2013 based on fitting smoothing splines to timeseries of EVI. Attributes: self.pheno (np.ndarray): NumPy structured array containing phenology metrics. These metrics include: * spring_doy: the long term mean day of year of the start of spring * autumn_doy: the long term mean day of year of the start of autumn * pheno_cor: the correlation coefficient of the observed EVI and the smoothed prediction * peak_evi: the highest smoothed EVI value within the year (maximum amplitude of EVI) * peak_doy: the day of year corresponding to the peak EVI value * spline_evi: the smoothing spline prediction of EVI for days of year between 1 and 365 * pheno_nobs: the number of observations used to fit the smoothing spline Args: red_index (int, optional): index of model.Y containing red band (default: 2) nir_index (int, optional): index of model.Y containing NIR band (default: 3) blue_index (int, optional): index of model.Y containing blue band (default: 0) scale (float or np.ndarray, optional): scale factor for reflectance bands in model.Y to transform data into [0, 1] (default: 0.0001) evi_index (int, optional): if EVI is already used within timeseries model, provide index of model.Y containing EVI to override computation from red/nir/blue bands (default: None) evi_scale (float, optional): if EVI is already used within timeseries model, provide scale factor to transform EVI into [0, 1] range (default: None) year_interval (int, optional): number of years to group together when normalizing EVI to upper and lower percentiles of EVI within the group (default: 3) q_min (float, optional): lower percentile for scaling EVI (default: 10) q_max (float, optional): upper percentile for scaling EVI (default: 90) """ def __init__(self, red_index=2, nir_index=3, blue_index=0, scale=0.0001, evi_index=None, evi_scale=None, year_interval=3, q_min=10, q_max=90): self.red_index = red_index self.nir_index = nir_index self.blue_index = blue_index self.scale = scale self.evi_index = evi_index self.evi_scale = evi_scale self.year_interval = year_interval self.q_min = q_min self.q_max = q_max def _fit_prep(self, model): if self.evi_index: if not isinstance(self.evi_scale, float): raise ValueError('Must provide scale factor for EVI') self.evi = model.Y[self.evi_index, :] * self.evi_scale else: self.evi = EVI(model.Y[self.red_index, :] * self.scale, model.Y[self.nir_index, :] * self.scale, model.Y[self.blue_index, :] * self.scale) self.ordinal = model.dates.astype(np.uint32) self.yeardoy = ordinal2yeardoy(self.ordinal) # Mask based on unusual EVI values valid_evi = np.where((self.evi >= 0) & (self.evi <= 1))[0] self.evi = self.evi[valid_evi] self.ordinal = self.ordinal[valid_evi] self.yeardoy = self.yeardoy[valid_evi, :] self.pheno = np.zeros(self.model.record.shape, dtype=[ ('spring_doy', 'u2'), ('autumn_doy', 'u2'), ('pheno_cor', 'f4'), ('peak_evi', 'f4'), ('peak_doy', 'u2'), ('spline_evi', 'f8', 366), ('pheno_nobs', 'u2') ]) def _fit_record(self, evi, yeardoy, year_interval, q_min, q_max): # Calculate year-to-year groupings for EVI normalization periods = group_years(yeardoy[:, 0], year_interval) evi_norm = scale_EVI(evi, periods, qmin=q_min, qmax=q_max) # Mask out np.nan valid = np.isfinite(evi_norm) if not np.any(valid): logger.debug('No valid EVI in segment -- skipping') return yeardoy = yeardoy[valid, :] evi_norm = evi_norm[valid] # Pad missing DOY values (e.g. in winter) with 0's to improve # spline fit pad_start = np.arange(1, yeardoy[:, 1].min() + 1) pad_end = np.arange(yeardoy[:, 1].max(), 365 + 1) pad_doy = np.concatenate((yeardoy[:, 1], pad_start, pad_end)) pad_evi_norm = np.concatenate(( evi_norm, np.zeros_like(pad_start, dtype=evi.dtype), np.zeros_like(pad_end, dtype=evi.dtype) )) # Fit spline and predict EVI spl_pred = CRAN_spline(pad_doy, pad_evi_norm, spar=0.55) evi_smooth = spl_pred(np.arange(1, 367)) # 366 to include leap years # Check correlation pheno_cor = np.corrcoef(evi_smooth[yeardoy[:, 1] - 1], evi_norm)[0, 1] # Separate into spring / autumn peak_doy = np.argmax(evi_smooth) peak_evi = np.max(evi_smooth) evi_smooth_spring = evi_smooth[:peak_doy + 1] evi_smooth_autumn = evi_smooth[peak_doy + 1:] # Compute half-maximum of spring logistic for "ruling in" image dates # (points) for anomaly calculation # Note: we add + 1 to go from index (on 0) to day of year (on 1) if evi_smooth_spring.size > 0: ltm_spring = halfmax(evi_smooth_spring) + 1 else: ltm_spring = 0 if evi_smooth_autumn.size > 0: ltm_autumn = halfmax(evi_smooth_autumn) + 1 + peak_doy + 1 else: ltm_autumn = 0 return (ltm_spring, ltm_autumn, pheno_cor, peak_evi, peak_doy, evi_smooth)
[docs] def fit(self, model): """ Fit phenology metrics for each time segment within a YATSM model Args: model (yatsm.YATSM): instance of `yatsm.YATSM` that has been run for change detection Returns: np.ndarray: updated copy of YATSM model instance with phenology added into yatsm.record structured array """ self.model = model # Preprocess EVI and create our `self.pheno` record self._fit_prep(model) for i, _record in enumerate(self.model.record): # Subset variables to range of current record rec_range = np.where((self.ordinal >= _record['start']) & (self.ordinal <= _record['end']))[0] if rec_range.size == 0: continue _evi = self.evi[rec_range] _yeardoy = self.yeardoy[rec_range, :] # Fit and save results _result = self._fit_record(_evi, _yeardoy, self.year_interval, self.q_min, self.q_max) if _result is None: continue self.pheno[i]['spring_doy'] = _result[0] self.pheno[i]['autumn_doy'] = _result[1] self.pheno[i]['pheno_cor'] = _result[2] self.pheno[i]['peak_evi'] = _result[3] self.pheno[i]['peak_doy'] = _result[4] self.pheno[i]['spline_evi'][:] = _result[5] self.pheno[i]['pheno_nobs'] = rec_range.size return np.lib.recfunctions.merge_arrays( (self.model.record, self.pheno), flatten=True)