Source code for yatsm.masking

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm

from .accel import try_jit
from .regression import robust_fit as rlm

ndays = 365.25

@try_jit()  # np.array prevents nopython
[docs]def multitemp_mask(x, Y, n_year, crit=400, green=1, swir1=4, maxiter=10): """ Multi-temporal masking using RLM Taken directly from CCDC (Zhu and Woodcock, 2014). This "temporal masking" procedure was ported from CCDC v9.3. Args: x (ndarray): array of ordinal dates Y (ndarray): matrix of observed spectra n_year (float): "number of years to mask" crit (float): critical value for masking clouds/shadows green (int): 0 indexed value for green band in Y (default: 1) swir1 (int): 0 indexed value for SWIR (~1.55-1.75um) band in Y (default: 4) maxiter (int): maximum iterations for RLM fit Returns: mask (np.ndarray): mask where False indicates values to be masked """ green = Y[green, :] swir1 = Y[swir1, :] n_year = np.ceil(n_year) w = 2.0 * np.pi / ndays X = np.array([np.ones_like(x), np.cos(w * x), np.sin(w * x), np.cos(w / n_year * x), np.sin(w / n_year * x)]).T green_RLM = rlm.RLM(M=rlm.bisquare, maxiter=maxiter).fit(X, green) swir1_RLM = rlm.RLM(M=rlm.bisquare, maxiter=maxiter).fit(X, swir1) mask = ((green - green_RLM.predict(X) < crit) * (swir1 - swir1_RLM.predict(X) > -crit)) return mask
[docs]def smooth_mask(x, Y, span, crit=400, green=1, swir1=4, maxiter=5): """ Multi-temporal masking using LOWESS Taken directly from newer version of CCDC than Zhu and Woodcock, 2014. This "temporal masking" replaced the older method which used robust linear models. This version uses a regular LOWESS instead of robust LOWESS .. note:: "span" argument is the inverse of "frac" from statsmodels and is actually 'k' in their code: `n = x.shape[0]` `k = int(frac * n + 1e-10)` .. todo:: We need to put the data on a regular period since span changes as is right now. Statsmodels will only allow for dropna, so we would need to impute missing data somehow... Args: x (np.ndarray): array of ordinal dates Y (np.ndarray): matrix of observed spectra span (int): span of LOWESS crit (float): critical value for masking clouds/shadows green (int): 0 indexed value for green band in Y (default: 1) swir1 (int): 0 indexed value for SWIR (~1.55-1.75um) band in Y (default: 4) maxiter (int): maximum increases to span when checking for NaN in LOWESS results Returns: mask (ndarray): mask where False indicates values to be masked """ # Reverse span to get frac frac = span / x.shape[0] # Estimate delta as "good choice": delta = 0.01 * range(exog) delta = (x.max() - x.min()) * 0.01 # Run LOWESS checking for NaN in output i = 0 green_lowess, swir1_lowess = np.nan, np.nan while (np.any(np.isnan(green_lowess)) or np.any(np.isnan(swir1_lowess))) and i < maxiter: green_lowess = sm.nonparametric.lowess(Y[green, :], x, frac=frac, delta=delta) swir1_lowess = sm.nonparametric.lowess(Y[swir1, :], x, frac=frac, delta=delta) span += 1 frac = span / x.shape[0] i += 1 mask = (((Y[green, :] - green_lowess[:, 1]) < crit) * ((Y[swir1, :] - swir1_lowess[:, 1]) > -crit)) return mask