Source code for yatsm.mapping.phenology

""" Functions relevant for mapping phenology fit information
import logging

import numpy as np

from .utils import find_indices
from ..utils import find_results, iter_records

logger = logging.getLogger('yatsm')

[docs]def get_phenology(date, result_location, image_ds, after=False, before=False, qa=False, ndv=-9999, pattern='yatsm_r*', warn_on_empty=False): """ Output a raster containing phenology information Phenology information includes spring_doy, autumn_doy, pheno_cor, peak_evi, peak_doy, and pheno_nobs. Args: date (int): Ordinal date for prediction image result_location (str): Location of the results image_ds (gdal.Dataset): Example dataset after (bool, optional): If date intersects a disturbed period, use next available time segment before (bool, optional): If date does not intersect a model, use previous non-disturbed time segment qa (bool, optional): Add QA flag specifying segment type (intersect, after, or before) ndv (int, optional): NoDataValue pattern (str, optional): filename pattern of saved record results warn_on_empty (bool, optional): Log warning if result contained no result records (default: False) Returns: tuple: A tuple (np.ndarray, list) containing the 3D np.ndarray of the phenology metrics, and the band names for the output dataset """ # Find results records = find_results(result_location, pattern) n_bands = 7 attributes = ['spring_doy', 'autumn_doy', 'pheno_cor', 'peak_evi', 'peak_doy', 'pheno_nobs'] band_names = ['SpringDOY', 'AutumnDOY', 'Pheno_R*10000', 'Peak_EVI*10000', 'Peak_DOY', 'Pheno_NObs', 'GrowingDOY'] if qa: n_bands += 1 band_names.append('SegmentQAQC') logger.debug('Allocating memory') raster = np.ones((image_ds.RasterYSize, image_ds.RasterXSize, n_bands), dtype=np.int32) * int(ndv) logger.debug('Processing results') for rec in iter_records(records, warn_on_empty=warn_on_empty): if not all([_attr in rec.dtype.names for _attr in attributes]): raise ValueError('Results do not have phenology metrics') for _qa, index in find_indices(rec, date, after=after, before=before): if index.shape[0] == 0: continue # Apply scale factors for R and peak EVI rec['pheno_cor'][index] *= 10000.0 rec['peak_evi'][index] *= 10000.0 for _b, _attr in enumerate(attributes): raster[rec['py'][index], rec['px'][index], _b] = rec[_attr][index] raster[rec['py'][index], rec['px'][index], 6] = \ rec['autumn_doy'][index] - rec['spring_doy'][index] if qa: raster[rec['py'][index], rec['px'][index], -1] = _qa return raster, band_names