Source code for yatsm.mapping.changes

""" Functions relevant for mapping abrupt changes
from datetime import datetime as dt
import logging

import numpy as np

from ..utils import find_results, iter_records

logger = logging.getLogger('yatsm')

[docs]def get_magnitude_indices(results): """ Finds indices of result containing magnitude of change information Args: results (iterable): list of result files to check within Returns: np.ndarray: indices containing magnitude change information from the tested indices Raises: KeyError: Raise KeyError when a required result output is missing from the saved record structure """ for result in results: try: rec = np.load(result) except (ValueError, AssertionError) as e: logger.warning('Error reading %s. May be corrupted: %s' % (result, e.message)) continue # First search for record of `test_indices` if 'test_indices' in rec.files: logger.debug('Using `test_indices` information for magnitude') return rec['test_indices'] # Fall back to using non-zero elements of 'record' record array rec_array = rec['record'] if rec_array.dtype.names is None: # Empty record -- skip continue if 'magnitude' not in rec_array.dtype.names: logger.error('Cannot map magnitude of change') logger.error('Version of result file: {v}'.format( v=rec['version'] if 'version' in rec.files else 'Unknown')) raise KeyError('Magnitude information not present in file %s -- ' 'has it been calculated?' % result) changed = np.where(rec_array['break'] != 0)[0] if changed.size == 0: continue logger.debug('Using non-zero elements of "magnitude" field in ' 'changed records for magnitude indices') return np.nonzero(np.any(rec_array[changed]['magnitude'] != 0))[0]
[docs]def get_change_date(start, end, result_location, image_ds, first=False, out_format='%Y%j', magnitude=False, ndv=-9999, pattern='yatsm_r*', warn_on_empty=False): """ Output raster with changemap Args: start (int): Ordinal date for start of map records end (int): Ordinal date for end of map records result_location (str): Location of results image_ds (gdal.Dataset): Example dataset first (bool): Use first change instead of last out_format (str, optional): Output date format magnitude (bool, optional): output magnitude of each change? ndv (int, optional): NoDataValue pattern (str, optional): filename pattern of saved record results warn_on_empty (bool, optional): Log warning if result contained no result records (default: False) Returns: tuple: A 2D np.ndarray array containing the changes between the start and end date. Also includes, if specified, a 3D np.ndarray of the magnitude of each change plus the indices of these magnitudes """ # Find results records = find_results(result_location, pattern) logger.debug('Allocating memory...') datemap = np.ones((image_ds.RasterYSize, image_ds.RasterXSize), dtype=np.int32) * int(ndv) # Determine what magnitude information to output if requested if magnitude: magnitude_indices = get_magnitude_indices(records) magnitudemap = np.ones((image_ds.RasterYSize, image_ds.RasterXSize, magnitude_indices.size), dtype=np.float32) * float(ndv) logger.debug('Processing results') for rec in iter_records(records, warn_on_empty=warn_on_empty): index = np.where((rec['break'] >= start) & (rec['break'] <= end))[0] if first: _, _index = np.unique(rec['px'][index], return_index=True) index = index[_index] if index.shape[0] != 0: if out_format != 'ordinal': dates = np.array([int(dt.fromordinal(_d).strftime(out_format)) for _d in rec['break'][index]]) datemap[rec['py'][index], rec['px'][index]] = dates else: datemap[rec['py'][index], rec['px'][index]] = \ rec['break'][index] if magnitude: magnitudemap[rec['py'][index], rec['px'][index], :] = \ rec[index]['magnitude'][:, magnitude_indices] if magnitude: return datemap, magnitudemap, magnitude_indices else: return datemap, None, None
[docs]def get_change_num(start, end, result_location, image_ds, ndv=-9999, pattern='yatsm_r*', warn_on_empty=False): """ Output raster with changemap Args: start (int): Ordinal date for start of map records end (int): Ordinal date for end of map records result_location (str): Location of results image_ds (gdal.Dataset): Example dataset ndv (int, optional): NoDataValue pattern (str, optional): filename pattern of saved record results warn_on_empty (bool, optional): Log warning if result contained no result records (default: False) Returns: np.ndarray: 2D numpy array containing the number of changes between the start and end date; list containing band names """ # Find results records = find_results(result_location, pattern) logger.debug('Allocating memory...') raster = np.ones((image_ds.RasterYSize, image_ds.RasterXSize), dtype=np.int32) * int(ndv) logger.debug('Processing results') for rec in iter_records(records, warn_on_empty=warn_on_empty): # Find all changes in time period changed = (rec['break'] >= start) & (rec['break'] <= end) # Use raveled index to get unique x/y positions idx_changed = np.ravel_multi_index( (rec['py'][changed], rec['px'][changed]), raster.shape ) # Now possible in numpy>=1.9 -- return counts of unique indices idx_uniq, idx_count = np.unique(idx_changed, return_counts=True) # Add in the values py, px = np.unravel_index(idx_uniq, raster.shape) raster[py, px] = idx_count return raster