Source code for yatsm.config_parser

import logging
import os

import numpy as np
import six
import sklearn.externals.joblib as joblib
import yaml

from . import algorithms
from .regression.packaged import find_packaged_regressor, packaged_regressions

logger = logging.getLogger('yatsm')

[docs]def parse_config_file(config_file): """ Parse YAML config file Args: config_file (str): path to YAML config file Returns: dict: dict of sub-dicts, each sub-dict containing configuration keys and values pertinent to a process or algorithm. Pickled estimators compatible with ``scikit-learn`` (i.e., that follow :class:`sklearn.base.BaseEstimator`) models will be loaded and returned as an object within the dict Raises: KeyError: raise KeyError if configuration file is not specified correctly """ with open(config_file) as f: cfg = yaml.safe_load(f) cfg = expand_envvars(cfg) # Ensure algorithm & prediction sections are specified if 'YATSM' not in cfg: raise KeyError('YATSM must be a section in configuration YAML file') if 'prediction' not in cfg['YATSM']: raise KeyError('YATSM section does not declare a prediction method') if 'algorithm' not in cfg['YATSM']: raise KeyError('YATSM section does not declare an algorithm') algo = cfg['YATSM']['algorithm'] if algo not in cfg: raise KeyError('Algorithm specified (%s) is not parameterized in ' 'configuration file' % algo) # Embed algorithm in YATSM key # TODO: broaden this concept to at least algo['change'] if algo not in algorithms.available['change']: raise NotImplementedError('Algorithm specified (%s) is not currently ' 'available' % algo) cfg['YATSM']['algorithm_object'] = algorithms.available['change'][algo] if not cfg['YATSM']['algorithm_object']: raise KeyError('Could not find algorithm specified (%s) in ' '`yatsm.algorithms.available`' % algo) # Add in dummy phenology and classification dicts if not included if 'phenology' not in cfg: cfg['phenology'] = {'enable': False} if 'classification' not in cfg: cfg['classification'] = {'training_image': None} return convert_config(cfg)
[docs]def convert_config(cfg): """ Convert some configuration values to different values Args: cfg (dict): dict of sub-dicts, each sub-dict containing configuration keys and values pertinent to a process or algorithm Returns: dict: configuration dict with some items converted to different objects Raises: KeyError: raise KeyError if configuration file is not specified correctly """ # Parse dataset: cfg = _parse_dataset_config(cfg) # Parse YATSM: cfg = _parse_YATSM_config(cfg) return cfg
def _parse_dataset_config(cfg): """ Parse "dataset:" configuration section """ # Expand min/max values to all bands n_bands = cfg['dataset']['n_bands'] mins, maxes = cfg['dataset']['min_values'], cfg['dataset']['max_values'] if isinstance(mins, (float, int)): cfg['dataset']['min_values'] = np.asarray([mins] * n_bands) else: if len(mins) != n_bands: raise ValueError('Dataset minimum values must be specified for ' '"n_bands" (got %i values, needed %i)' % (len(mins), n_bands)) cfg['dataset']['min_values'] = np.asarray(mins) if isinstance(maxes, (float, int)): cfg['dataset']['max_values'] = np.asarray([maxes] * n_bands) else: if len(maxes) != n_bands: raise ValueError('Dataset maximum values must be specified for ' '"n_bands" (got %i values, needed %i)' % (len(maxes), n_bands)) cfg['dataset']['max_values'] = np.asarray(maxes) return cfg def _parse_YATSM_config(cfg): """ Parse "YATSM:" configuration section """ # Unpickle main predictor pred_method = cfg['YATSM']['prediction'] cfg['YATSM']['estimator'] = {'prediction': pred_method} cfg['YATSM']['estimator']['object'] = _unpickle_predictor( _find_pickle(pred_method, cfg)) # Grab estimator fit options cfg['YATSM']['estimator']['fit'] = cfg.get( pred_method, {}).get('fit', {}) or {} # Unpickle refit objects if cfg['YATSM'].get('refit', {}).get('prediction', None): # Restore pickles pickles = [] fitopts = [] for pred_method in cfg['YATSM']['refit']['prediction']: pickles.append(_unpickle_predictor(_find_pickle(pred_method, cfg))) fitopts.append(cfg.get(pred_method, {}).get('fit', {}) or {}) cfg['YATSM']['refit']['prediction_object'] = pickles cfg['YATSM']['refit']['fit'] = fitopts # Fill in as empty refit else: refit = dict(prefix=[], prediction=[], prediction_object=[], stay_regularized=[], fit=[]) cfg['YATSM']['refit'] = refit # Check number of refits n_refit = len(cfg['YATSM']['refit']['prediction_object']) n_prefix = len(cfg['YATSM']['refit']['prefix']) if n_refit != n_prefix: raise KeyError('Must supply a prefix for all refix predictions ' '(%i vs %i)' % (n_refit, n_prefix)) # Fill in "stay_regularized" -- default True reg = cfg['YATSM']['refit'].get('stay_regularized', None) if reg is None: cfg['YATSM']['refit']['stay_regularized'] = [True] * n_refit elif isinstance(reg, bool): cfg['YATSM']['refit']['stay_regularized'] = [reg] * n_refit return cfg def _find_pickle(pickle, cfg): """ Return filename for pickle specified Pickle should either be from packaged estimators or specified as a section in the configuration file. """ # Check if in packaged if pickle in packaged_regressions: pickle_path = find_packaged_regressor(pickle) logger.debug('Using pre-packaged prediction method "%s" from %s' % (pickle, pickle_path)) return pickle_path # Check if in configuration file elif pickle in cfg: if 'pickle' in cfg[pickle]: pickle_path = cfg[pickle]['pickle'] logger.debug('Using prediction method "%s" from config file (%s)' % (pickle, pickle_path)) return pickle_path else: raise KeyError('Prediction method "%s" in config file, but no ' 'path is given in "pickle" key' % pickle) else: raise KeyError('Prediction method "%s" is not a pre-packaged estimator' ' nor is it specified as a section in config file' % pickle) def _unpickle_predictor(pickle): # Load sklearn objects reg = joblib.load(pickle) sklearn_attrs = ['fit', 'predict', 'get_params', 'set_params'] if all([m in dir(reg) for m in sklearn_attrs]): return reg else: raise AttributeError('Cannot use prediction object from %s. Prediction' ' objects must define the following attributes:\n' '%s' % (pickle, ', '.join(sklearn_attrs)))
[docs]def expand_envvars(d): """ Recursively convert lookup that look like environment vars in a dict This function things that environmental variables are values that begin with `$` and are evaluated with :func:`os.path.expandvars`. No exception will be raised if an environment variable is not set. Args: d (dict): expand environment variables used in the values of this dictionary Returns: dict: input dictionary with environment variables expanded """ def check_envvar(k, v): """ Warn if value looks un-expanded """ if '$' in v: logger.warning('Config key=value pair might still contain ' 'environment variables: "%s=%s"' % (k, v)) _d = d.copy() for k, v in six.iteritems(_d): if isinstance(v, dict): _d[k] = expand_envvars(v) elif isinstance(v, str): _d[k] = os.path.expandvars(v) check_envvar(k, v) elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): n_v = [] for _v in v: if isinstance(_v, str): _v = os.path.expandvars(_v) check_envvar(k, _v) n_v.append(_v) _d[k] = n_v return _d