Source code for yatsm.algorithms.yatsm

""" Yet Another TimeSeries Model baseclass
import numpy as np
import patsy
import sklearn
import sklearn.linear_model

from .._cyprep import get_valid_mask
from ..regression.diagnostics import rmse
from ..regression.transforms import harm  # noqa

[docs]class YATSM(object): """ Yet Another TimeSeries Model baseclass .. note:: When ``YATSM`` objects are fit, the intended order of method calls is: 1. Setup the model with :func:`~setup` 2. Preprocess a time series for one unit area with :func:`~preprocess` 3. Fit the time series with the YATSM model using :func:`~fit` 4. A fitted model can be used to * Predict on additional design matrixes with :func:`~predict` * Plot diagnostic information with :func:`~plot` * Return goodness of fit diagnostic metrics with :func:`~score` .. note:: Record structured arrays must contain the following: * ``start`` (`int`): starting dates of timeseries segments * ``end`` (`int`): ending dates of timeseries segments * ``break`` (`int`): break dates of timeseries segments * ``coef`` (`double (n x p shape)`): number of bands x number of features coefficients matrix for predictions * ``rmse`` (`double (n length)`): Root Mean Squared Error for each band * ``px`` (`int`): pixel X coordinate * ``py`` (`int`): pixel Y coordinate Args: test_indices (numpy.ndarray): Test for changes with these indices of ``Y``. If not provided, all series in ``Y`` will be used as test indices estimator (dict): dictionary containing estimation model from ``scikit-learn`` used to fit and predict timeseries and, optionally, a dict of options for the estimation model ``fit`` method (default: ``{'object': Lasso(alpha=20), 'fit': {}}``) kwargs (dict): dictionary of addition keyword arguments (for sub-classes) Attributes: record_template (numpy.ndarray): An empty NumPy structured array that is a template for the model's ``record`` models (numpy.ndarray): prediction model objects record (numpy.ndarray): NumPy structured array containing timeseries model attribute information n_record (int): number of recorded segments in time series model n_series (int): number of bands in ``Y`` px (int): pixel X location or index n_features (int): number of coefficients in ``X`` design matrix py (int): pixel Y location or index """ def __init__(self, test_indices=None, estimator={'object': sklearn.linear_model.Lasso(alpha=20), 'fit': {}}, **kwargs): self.test_indices = np.asarray(test_indices) self.estimator = sklearn.clone(estimator['object']) self.estimator_fit = estimator.get('fit', {}) self.models = [] # leave empty, fill in during `fit` self.n_record = 0 self.record = [] self.n_series, self.n_features = 0, 0 self.px = kwargs.get('px', 0) = kwargs.get('py', 0) @property def record_template(self): """ YATSM record template for features in X and series in Y Record template will set ``px`` and ``py`` if defined as class attributes. Otherwise ``px`` and ``py`` coordinates will default to 0. Returns: numpy.ndarray: NumPy structured array containing a template of a YATSM record """ record_template = np.zeros(1, dtype=[ ('start', 'i4'), ('end', 'i4'), ('break', 'i4'), ('coef', 'float32', (self.n_coef, self.n_series)), ('rmse', 'float32', (self.n_series)), ('px', 'u2'), ('py', 'u2') ]) record_template['px'] = self.px record_template['py'] = return record_template # SETUP & PREPROCESSING
[docs] def setup(self, df, **config): """ Setup model for input dataset and (optionally) return design matrix Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing dataset attributes (e.g., dates, image ID, path/row, metadata, etc.) config (dict): YATSM configuration dictionary from user, including 'dataset' and 'YATSM' sub-configurations Returns: numpy.ndarray or None: return design matrix if used by algorithm """ X = patsy.dmatrix(config['YATSM']['design_matrix'], data=df) return X
[docs] def preprocess(self, X, Y, dates, min_values=None, max_values=None, mask_band=None, mask_values=None, **kwargs): """ Preprocess a unit area of data (e.g., pixel, segment, etc.) This preprocessing step will remove all observations that either fall outside of the minimum/maximum range of the data or are flagged for masking in the ``mask_band`` variable in ``Y``. If ``min_values`` or ``max_values`` are not specified, this masking step is skipped. Similarly, masking based on a QA/QC or cloud mask will not be performed if ``mask_band`` or ``mask_values`` are not provided. Args: X (numpy.ndarray): design matrix (number of observations x number of features) Y (numpy.ndarray): independent variable matrix (number of series x number of observations) dates (numpy.ndarray): ordinal dates for each observation in X/Y min_values (np.ndarray): Minimum possible range of values for each variable in Y (optional) max_values (np.ndarray): Maximum possible range of values for each variable in Y (optional) mask_band (int): The mask band in Y (optional) mask_values (sequence): A list or np.ndarray of values in the ``mask_band`` to mask (optional) Returns: tuple (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray): X, Y, and dates after being preprocessed and masked """ if min_values is None or max_values is None: valid = np.ones(dates.shape[0], dtype=np.bool) else: # Mask range of data valid = get_valid_mask(Y, min_values, max_values).astype(bool) # Apply mask band if mask_band is not None and mask_values is not None: idx_mask = mask_band - 1 valid *= np.in1d(Y.take(idx_mask, axis=0), mask_values, invert=True).astype(np.bool) Y = np.delete(Y, idx_mask, axis=0)[:, valid] X = X[valid, :] dates = dates[valid] return X, Y, dates
[docs] def fit(self, X, Y, dates): """ Fit timeseries model Args: X (numpy.ndarray): design matrix (number of observations x number of features) Y (numpy.ndarray): independent variable matrix (number of series x number of observations) dates (numpy.ndarray): ordinal dates for each observation in X/Y Returns: numpy.ndarray: NumPy structured array containing timeseries model attribute information """ raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses should implement fit method')
[docs] def fit_models(self, X, Y, bands=None): """ Fit timeseries models for `bands` within `Y` for a given `X` Updates or initializes fit for ``self.models`` Args: X (numpy.ndarray): design matrix (number of observations x number of features) Y (numpy.ndarray): independent variable matrix (number of series x number of observations) observation in the X design matrix bands (iterable): Subset of bands of `Y` to fit. If None are provided, fit all bands in Y """ if bands is None: bands = np.arange(self.n_series) for b in bands: y = Y[b, :] model = self.models[b], y, **self.estimator_fit) # Add in RMSE calculation model.rmse = rmse(y, model.predict(X)) # Add intercept to intercept term of design matrix model.coef = model.coef_.copy() model.coef[0] += model.intercept_
[docs] def predict(self, X, dates, series=None): """ Return a 2D NumPy array of y-hat predictions for a given X Predictions are made from ensemble of timeseries models such that predicted values are generated for each date using the model from the timeseries segment that intersects each date. Args: X (numpy.ndarray): Design matrix (number of observations x number of features) dates (int or numpy.ndarray): A single ordinal date or a np.ndarray of length X.shape[0] specifying the ordinal dates for each prediction series (iterable, optional): Return prediction for subset of series within timeseries model. If None is provided, returns predictions from all series Returns: numpy.ndarray: Prediction for given X (number of series x number of observations) """ raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses should implement "predict" ' 'method')
[docs] def score(self, X, Y, dates): """ Return timeseries model performance scores Args: X (numpy.ndarray): design matrix (number of observations x number of features) Y (numpy.ndarray): independent variable matrix (number of series x number of observations) dates (numpy.ndarray): ordinal dates for each observation in X/Y Returns: namedtuple: performance summary statistics """ raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses should implement "score" method')
[docs] def plot(self, X, Y, dates, **config): """ Plot the timeseries model results Args: X (numpy.ndarray): design matrix (number of observations x number of features) Y (numpy.ndarray): independent variable matrix (number of series x number of observations) dates (numpy.ndarray): ordinal dates for each observation in X/Y config (dict): YATSM configuration dictionary from user, including 'dataset' and 'YATSM' sub-configurations """ raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses should implement "plot" method')
# MAKE ITERABLE def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over the timeseries segment records """ for record in self.record: yield record def __len__(self): """ Return the number of segments in this timeseries model """ return len(self.record)