Source code for yatsm.algorithms.ccdc

from __future__ import print_function, division

import logging
import sys

import numpy as np

import sklearn.linear_model

from .yatsm import YATSM
from ..accel import try_jit
from ..errors import TSLengthException
from ..masking import smooth_mask, multitemp_mask
from ..regression.diagnostics import rmse

# Setup
logger = logging.getLogger('yatsm_algo')

def _monitor_calc_scores(X, Y, here, scores, predictions, rmse,
                         test_indices, min_rmse):
    """ Calculate monitoring period scaled residuals
    for i in range(scores.shape[1]):
        for i_b, b in enumerate(test_indices):
            scores[i_b, i] = (
                (Y[b, here + i] - predictions[i_b, i]) /
                max(min_rmse[b], rmse[i_b])

[docs]class CCDCesque(YATSM): """Initialize a CCDC-like model for data X (spectra) and Y (dates) An unofficial and unvalidated port of the Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) algorithm by Zhu and Woodcock, 2014. Args: test_indices (numpy.ndarray): Test for changes with these indices of ``Y``. If not provided, all series in ``Y`` will be used as test indices estimator (dict): dictionary containing estimation model from ``scikit-learn`` used to fit and predict timeseries and, optionally, a dict of options for the estimation model ``fit`` method (default: ``{'object': Lasso(alpha=20), 'fit': {}}``) consecutive (int): Consecutive observations to trigger change threshold (float): Test statistic threshold for change min_obs (int): Minimum observations in model min_rmse (float): Minimum RMSE for models during testing retrain_time (float): Number of days between model fit updates during monitoring period screening (str): Style of prescreening of the timeseries for noise. Options are 'RLM' or 'LOWESS' (default: RLM) screening_crit (float): critical value for multitemporal noise screening (default: 400.0) remove_noise (bool): Remove observation if change is not detected but first observation is above threshold (if it looks like noise) (default: True) green_band (int): Index of green band in ``Y`` for multitemporal masking (default: 1) swir1_band (int): Index of first SWIR band in ``Y`` for multitemporal masking (default: 4) dynamic_rmse (bool): Vary RMSE as a function of day of year (default: False) slope_test (float or bool): Use an additional slope test to assess the suitability of the training period. A value of True enables the test and uses the `threshold` parameter as the test criterion. False turns off the test or a float value enables the test but overrides the test criterion threshold. (default: False) idx_slope (int): if ``slope_test`` is enabled, provide index of ``X`` containing slope term (default: 1) .. document private functions .. automethod:: _get_dynamic_rmse .. automethod:: _get_model_rmse """ ndays = 365.25 def __init__(self, test_indices=None, estimator={'object': sklearn.linear_model.Lasso(alpha=20), 'fit': {}}, consecutive=5, threshold=2.56, min_obs=None, min_rmse=None, retrain_time=365.25, screening='RLM', screening_crit=400.0, remove_noise=True, green_band=1, swir1_band=4, dynamic_rmse=False, slope_test=False, idx_slope=1, **kwargs): # Parent sets up test_indices and lm super(CCDCesque, self).__init__(test_indices, estimator, **kwargs) # Store model hyperparameters self.consecutive = consecutive self.threshold = threshold self.min_obs = min_obs or 16 self.min_rmse = min_rmse self.retrain_time = retrain_time # Define screening method according to type if screening == 'RLM': self.screen_timeseries = self._screen_timeseries_RLM logger.debug('Using RLM for screening') elif screening == 'LOWESS': self.screen_timeseries = self._screen_timeseries_LOWESS logger.debug('Using LOWESS for screening') else: raise TypeError('Unknown screening type %s' % screening) self.screening_crit = screening_crit self.remove_noise = remove_noise self.green_band = green_band self.swir1_band = swir1_band self.slope_test = slope_test if self.slope_test is True: self.slope_test = threshold self.idx_slope = idx_slope if dynamic_rmse: self.get_rmse = self._get_dynamic_rmse else: self.get_rmse = self._get_model_rmse @property def record_template(self): """ YATSM record template for features in X and series in Y Record template will set `px` and `py` if defined as class attributes. Otherwise `px` and `py` coordinates will default to 0. Returns: numpy.ndarray: NumPy structured array containing a template of a YATSM record """ record_template = np.zeros(1, dtype=[ ('start', 'i4'), ('end', 'i4'), ('break', 'i4'), ('coef', 'float32', (self.n_features, self.n_series)), ('rmse', 'float32', (self.n_series)), ('magnitude', 'float32', self.n_series), ('px', 'u2'), ('py', 'u2') ]) record_template['px'] = self.px record_template['py'] = return record_template # HELPER PROPERTIES @property def span_time(self): """ Return time span (in days) between start and end of model """ return abs(self.dates[] - self.dates[self.start]) @property def span_index(self): """ Return time span (in index) between start and end of model """ return ( - self.start) @property def running(self): """ Determine if timeseries can run """ return < len(self.dates) @property def can_monitor(self): """ Determine if timeseries can monitor the future consecutive obs """ return < len(self.dates) - self.consecutive - 1 # MAIN LOOP
[docs] def fit(self, X, Y, dates): """ Fit timeseries model Args: X (numpy.ndarray): design matrix (number of observations x number of features) Y (numpy.ndarray): independent variable matrix (number of series x number of observations) dates (numpy.ndarray): ordinal dates for each observation in X/Y Returns: numpy.ndarray: NumPy structured array containing timeseries model attribute information """ if len(dates) != X.shape[0] or len(dates) != Y.shape[1]: raise ValueError('X/Y/dates must have same number of observations') self.X = np.asarray(X, dtype=np.float64) self.Y = np.asarray(Y, dtype=np.float64) self.dates = dates self.n_features = X.shape[1] self.n_series = Y.shape[0] # Setup test indices if not np.any(np.asarray(self.test_indices)): self.test_indices = np.arange(self.n_series) # Setup minimum RMSE if isinstance(self.min_rmse, (list, np.ndarray)): self.min_rmse = np.asarray(self.min_rmse) elif isinstance(self.min_rmse, (int, float)): self.min_rmse = np.array([self.min_rmse] * self.n_series) else: self.min_rmse = np.array([sys.float_info.min] * self.n_series) # Set or reset state variables self.reset() if len(dates) < + self.consecutive: raise TSLengthException('Not enough observations (n = %s)' % len(dates)) self.n_record = 0 self.record = np.copy(self.record_template) while self.running: while not self.monitoring and self.can_monitor: self.train() += 1 # Ensure all bands are fit in case we can't monitor # First check if there are enough obs to estimate model if self.span_index > self.n_features: self._update_model() while self.monitoring and self.can_monitor: # Update model if required self._update_model() # Perform monitoring check self.monitor() # Iterate forward += 1 += 1 # Update record for last model self.record[self.n_record]['start'] = self.dates[self.start] # Re-adjust end for consecutive, and for two `` += 1`` calls offset = 1 + (1 if self.monitoring else 0) self.record[self.n_record]['end'] = self.dates[ - self.consecutive - offset] for i, m in enumerate(self.models): self.record[self.n_record]['coef'][:, i] = m.coef self.record[self.n_record]['rmse'][i] = m.rmse # If we ended without being able to monitor again, delete last model # since it will be empty # TODO: fit this time period with median if not self.monitoring: self.record = self.record[:-1] return self.record
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset state information required for model fittings """ # Location information self.start = 0 = self.min_obs self._here = self.trained_date = 0 self.monitoring = False # Populate prediction models if len(self.models) == 0: self.models = np.array([sklearn.clone(self.estimator) for i in range(self.n_series)]) for m in self.models: # initialize additional attributes m.rmse = 0.0 m.coef = np.zeros(self.X.shape[1]) # Training period test calculations self.start_resid = np.zeros(len(self.test_indices)) self.end_resid = np.zeros(len(self.test_indices)) self.slope_resid = np.zeros(len(self.test_indices)) # Monitoring period calculations self.predictions = np.zeros((len(self.test_indices), self.consecutive), dtype=np.float64) self.scores = np.zeros((len(self.test_indices), self.consecutive), dtype=np.float64)
[docs] def train(self): """ Train time series model if stability criteria are met Stability criteria (Equation 5 in Zhu and Woodcock, 2014) include a test on the change in reflectance over the training period (slope test) and a test on the magnitude of the residuals for the first and last observations in the training period. Training periods with large slopes can indicate that a disturbance process is still in progress. Large residuals on the first or last observations have high leverage on the estimated regression and should be excluded from the training period. 1. Slope test: .. math:: \\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{b\in B_{test}}\\frac{ \left|\\beta_{slope,b}(t_{end}-t_{start})\\right|} {RMSE_b} > T_{crit} 2. First and last residual tests: .. math:: \\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{b\in B_{test}}\\frac{ \left|\hat\\rho_{b,i=1} - \\rho_{b,i=1}\\right|} {RMSE_b} > T_{crit} \\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{b\in B_{test}}\\frac{ \left|\hat\\rho_{b,i=N} - \\rho_{b,i=N}\\right|} {RMSE_b} > T_{crit} """ # Test if we can train yet if self.span_time <= self.ndays or self.span_index < self.n_features: logger.debug('Could not train - moving forward') return # Check if screening was OK if not self.screen_timeseries(): return # Test if we can still run after noise removal if >= self._X.shape[0]: raise TSLengthException('Not enough observations to proceed ' 'after noise removal') # After noise removal, try to fit models self.fit_models(self._X[ + 1, :], self._Y[:, + 1], bands=self.test_indices) # Ensure first and last points aren't unusual for i, b in enumerate(self.test_indices): m = self.models[b] _rmse = max(self.min_rmse[b], m.rmse) self.start_resid[i] = ( np.abs(self._Y[b, self.start] - m.predict(self._X[self.start, :][None, :])) / _rmse) self.end_resid[i] = ( np.abs(self._Y[b,] - m.predict(self._X[, :][None, :])) / _rmse) self.slope_resid[i] = ( np.abs(m.coef_[self.idx_slope] * ( - self.start)) / _rmse) test_start = np.linalg.norm(self.start_resid) test_end = np.linalg.norm(self.end_resid) test_slope = np.linalg.norm(self.slope_resid) if (test_start > self.threshold or test_end > self.threshold or (self.slope_test and test_slope > self.threshold)): logger.debug('Training period unstable') self.start += 1 = self._here return self.X = self._X self.Y = self._Y self.dates = self._dates logger.debug('Entering monitoring period') self.monitoring = True
[docs] def monitor(self): """ Monitor for changes in time series The test criteria for CCDC can be represented as: .. math:: \\sum_{i=0}^{\\color{red}{consec}} I \\left( \\sqrt{ \\sum_{b\in \\color{red}{B_{test}}} \\left( \\frac {\hat\\rho_{b,i} - \\rho_{b,i}} {{RMSE}_b^{\\color{red}{*}}} \\right) ^2 } > \\color{red}{T_{crit}} \\right) > \\color{red}{consec} where the symbols in red are model hyperparameters: * :math:`\\color{red}{consec}`: :paramref:`consecutive <.CCDCesque.consecutive>` * :math:`\\color{red}{B_{test}}`: :paramref:`test_indices <.CCDCesque.test_indices>` * :math:`\\color{red}{T_{crit}}`: :paramref:`threshold <.CCDCesque.threshold>` * :math:`{RMSE}_b^{\\color{red}{*}}` depends on: * :paramref:`dynamic_rmse <.CCDCesque.dynamic_rmse>`: * True: :func:`~_get_dynamic_rmse` is used for RMSE * False: :func:`~_get_model_rmse` is used for RMSE * :paramref:`min_rmse <.CCDCesque.min_rmse>` * If a `float` or `int` is given, override RMSE estimate if estimate is smaller than :paramref:`min_rmse <.CCDCesque.min_rmse>` If :paramref:`remove_noise <.CCDCesque.remove_noise>` is `True`, the first of ``consecutive`` observations will be removed if first scaled residual is above ``threshold`` but not all ``consecutive`` scaled residuals exceed ``threshold``. """ _rmse = self.get_rmse() for idx, model in enumerate(self.models[self.test_indices]): self.predictions[idx, :] = model.predict( self.X[ + self.consecutive, :]) _monitor_calc_scores(self.X, self.Y,, self.scores, self.predictions, _rmse, self.test_indices, self.min_rmse) # Check for scores above critical value mag = np.linalg.norm(self.scores, axis=0) if np.all(mag > self.threshold): logger.debug('CHANGE DETECTED') # Update record for last model self.record[self.n_record]['start'] = self.dates[self.start] self.record[self.n_record]['end'] = self.dates[] self.record[self.n_record]['break'] = self.dates[ + 1] for i, m in enumerate(self.models): self.record[self.n_record]['coef'][:, i] = m.coef self.record[self.n_record]['rmse'][i] = m.rmse # Record magnitude of difference for tested indices self.record[self.n_record]['magnitude'][self.test_indices] = \ np.mean(self.scores, axis=1) self.record = np.append(self.record, self.record_template) self.n_record += 1 # Reset _X and _Y for re-training self._X = self.X self._Y = self.Y self.start = + 1 self.trained_date = 0 self.monitoring = False elif mag[0] > self.threshold and self.remove_noise: # Masking way of deleting is faster than `np.delete` m = np.ones(self.X.shape[0], dtype=bool) m[] = False self.X = self.X[m, :] self.Y = self.Y[:, m] self.dates = self.dates[m] -= 1
# MODEL FITTING UTILITIES def _update_model(self): # Only train if enough time has past if (abs(self.dates[] - self.trained_date) > self.retrain_time): logger.debug('Monitoring - retraining (%s days since last)' % str(self.dates[] - self.trained_date)) # Fit timeseries models self.fit_models(self.X[ + 1, :], self.Y[:, + 1]) self.trained_date = self.dates[] # MULTITEMP SCREENING def _screen_timeseries_LOWESS(self, span=None): """ Screen entire dataset for noise before training using LOWESS Args: span (int): span for LOWESS Returns: bool: True if timeseries is screened and we can train, else False """ if not self.screened: span = span or self.consecutive * 2 + 1 mask = smooth_mask(self.dates, self.Y, span, crit=self.screening_crit, green=self.green_band, swir1=self.swir1_band) # Apply mask to X and Y self.X = self.X[mask, :] self.Y = self.Y[:, mask] # Also apply to _X and _Y for training purposes self._X = self.X self._Y = self.Y self.screened = True return True def _screen_timeseries_RLM(self): """ Screen training period for noise with IRWLS RLM Returns: bool: True if timeseries is screened and we can train, else False """ # Multitemporal noise removal mask = np.ones(self.X.shape[0], dtype=np.bool) index = np.arange(self.start, + self.consecutive, dtype=np.uint16) mask[index] = multitemp_mask(self.dates[index], self.Y[:, index], self.span_time / self.ndays, crit=self.screening_crit, green=self.green_band, swir1=self.swir1_band) # Check if there are enough observations for model with noise removed _span_index = mask[index][:-self.consecutive].sum() # Return if not enough observations if _span_index < self.min_obs: logger.debug(' multitemp masking - not enough obs') return False # There is enough observations in train period to fit - remove noise self._X = self.X[mask, :] self._Y = self.Y[:, mask] self._dates = self.dates[mask] # record our current position # important for next iteration of noise removal self._here = # Go forward after noise removal = self.start + _span_index - 1 if self.span_time < self.ndays: logger.debug(' multitemp masking - not enough time') = self._here return False logger.debug('Updated "here"') return True # RMSE CALCULATION
[docs] def _get_model_rmse(self): """ Return the normal RMSE of each fitted model Returns: numpy.ndarray: RMSE of each tested model """ return np.array([m.rmse for m in self.models])[self.test_indices]
[docs] def _get_dynamic_rmse(self): """ Return the dynamic RMSE for each model Dynamic RMSE refers to the Root Mean Squared Error calculated using `self.min_obs` number of observations closest in day of year to the observation `self.consecutive` steps into the future. Goal is to reduce false-positives during seasonal transitions (high variance in the signal) while decreasing omission during stable times of year. Returns: numpy.ndarray: dynamic RMSE of each tested model """ # Indices of closest observations based on DOY i_doy = np.argsort( np.mod(self.dates[] - self.dates[ + self.consecutive], self.ndays))[:self.min_obs] _rmse = np.zeros(len(self.test_indices), np.float32) _X = self.X.take(i_doy, axis=0) for i_b, b in enumerate(self.test_indices): m = self.models[b] _rmse[i_b] = rmse(self.Y[b, :].take(i_doy), m.predict(_X)) return _rmse